Can You Get PTSD from a Car Accident?

When you hear about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you might first associate the disorder with active military members, assault victims, and others who have experienced traumatic events. You might not think about car accident victims, but car accidents can, in fact, be so traumatic that it triggers PTSD in victims.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a mental disorder brought on by a disturbing and traumatic experience. There are many different symptoms and effects of PTSD, and the nature and severity of the impact of the disorder can vary significantly from patient to patient. Some symptoms of PTSD can include the following:

In many cases, PTSD from a car accident can cause victims to become violently afraid of riding in cars or even being near traffic. Obviously, this can pose serious challenges if someone has to go to work, school, or other obligations, as some people with PTSD are unable to leave the house without suffering a panic attack.

Common Signs of PTSD

While each case of PTSD is different, and you should always be diagnosed by a medical professional, there are signs you might have developed PTSD after your car accident. Common questions to ask include:

These are far from the only signs you might have PTSD, and there are different degrees of the disorder. Always speak to a mental health professional if you are struggling emotionally or mentally after your collision.

Treating PTSD

There are different ways that doctors might go about treating patients with PTSD, depending on the nature and severity of the symptoms. Some common treatment plans might involve one or more of the following:

While you are getting treatment, you might need to take time off work, especially if your job – or even getting to your job – involves driving. Not only will you need to cover the costs of your treatment, but you also might experience increased financial stress due to lost income.

Contact a Nashville Car Accident Attorney for Help Right Away

Many people do not realize that they can seek compensation for mental trauma disorders like PTSD, as well as their physical injuries, after a car crash. It is important to discuss the extent of your physical and mental injuries with a Nashville car accident lawyer at Bednarz Law. Call our Nashville office at 615-256-0100 or contact us online as soon as possible to discuss how we can help.