Passenger Distraction Can Lead to Accidents

Generally speaking, a driver is in control of a car, and a passenger has little to no control over what the driver chooses to do. As a passenger, you trust a driver with your safety, and it can be frightening when a driver loses control or makes errors on the road. However, sometimes, a driver can also be terrified when a passenger acts in a manner that is unsafe. For example, some passengers might do things that distract a driver to the point where they crash. When this happens, can a passenger be held liable for injuries and damage that result from an accident? It depends on the situation.

Common Passenger Distractions

There is no doubt that some passengers in your vehicle can be distracting. Some common ways that passengers can distract drivers include the following:

Most of the time, a passenger will not be held responsible for distracting a driver. The responsibility of driving rests in your hands as the driver, and you have the choice of whether to engage with a passenger, give in to peer pressure, or act in other negligent ways. If a passenger is too distracting, you should make the decision to pull over to a safe spot and ask them to exit the car or wait until they calm down.

There are rare circumstances, however, when a passenger might be liable for causing a crash. Some acts that may lead to liability are:

In these extreme situations, a passenger should be fully accountable for property damage, injuries, and losses of anyone injured in a resulting crash. If you are a driver, make sure you trust your passengers, though this can be particularly difficult for rideshare drivers. When a passenger causes an accident, seek medical attention, and then call for legal help.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Nashville Today

At Bednarz Law, our legal team handles complicated legal claims stemming from car accidents. We represent injured parties – whether they are drivers, passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or others. These complex cases require sophisticated representation, and our experienced car accident attorneys are ready to help. Call our Nashville office at 615-256-0100 or contact us online for a free case evaluation as soon as possible. We will listen to what happened and advise you of the best course of action in your situation.