Nashville Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyers

Protecting Your Rights after a Serious Jackknife Crash

Large commercial trucks are in a league of their own on the roads and highways around Nashville. These large vehicles dwarf passenger cars and SUVs and can cause devastating damage and injuries when they crash. To make matters more serious, there are certain types of accidents that are unique to tractor-trailers and semi-trucks. These accidents are particularly dangerous for motorists in smaller vehicles, and they can result in life-changing injuries.

After an accident with a commercial vehicle, you need legal representation you trust. These cases are complicated and often involve many parties, including the truck driver, trucking company, or even the truck manufacturer. At Bednarz Law, we take on tough truck accident claims and protect the rights of our injured clients. Contact us today to discuss a possible case for free.

Dangerous Jackknife Accidents

Many commercial trucks are “articulated vehicles,” which means the tractor and the trailer are two separate parts. These parts are connected by a coupling device that can rotate to allow the truck to make turns. While a coupling device is necessary for the operation of these vehicles, a failing coupling device can cause a truck to “jackknife.”

A jackknife accident happens when the trailer – which is supposed to stay behind the tractor – swings out to the side, folding like a pocketknife. When a long trailer swings out perpendicular to its intended lane, it will likely crash into any cars in adjacent lanes. Furthermore, a jackknifed trailer can often cause a runaway truck scenario in which the driver cannot slow down or stop for some time. Jackknifed trailers can even cause a commercial truck to roll over, especially if the jackknife happens at higher speeds. These trucks can leave devastation in their wake.

Causes of Jackknifed Trucks

What causes a trailer to suddenly move from its intended position behind the truck? There are many possible causes of jackknifes and many potentially liable parties. The following are some common reasons for jackknife accidents:

Once your attorney determines the cause of a jackknife accident, they can identify which parties should be responsible for your medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses.

Contact Our Commercial Truck Accident Attorneys in Nashville Today

Jackknife truck accidents can cause severe injuries to motorists, and truck accident victims have important legal rights. These cases can be highly technical and insurance companies can be difficult to deal with, so you need an experienced truck accident lawyer from Bednarz Law on your side. Call our Nashville office at 615-256-0100 or our Hendersonville office at 615-590-7276 for more information. You can also reach out to us online.