Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

With spring here and summer right around the corner, you can bet many people will be taking their motorcycles out on a regular basis. Whether your motorcycle is your primary vehicle or you ride for recreation, you are always at risk of serious injuries should an accident happen. It is important to stay aware of the common causes of motorcycle crashes so that you can keep yourself safe whenever possible, as well as exercise your legal rights if you get injured.

Distracted or Drunk Drivers

Motorcycles are already more difficult to see on the road than large passenger cars and trucks. When a driver is not paying attention or has impaired faculties due to intoxication, it increases the chances they will not notice a biker and will crash into the motorcycle. Sometimes, a driver may receive a citation or may be arrested for dangerous driving, such as texting or being drunk. When this happens, it can help a motorcyclist’s injury claim.

Aggressive Drivers

Aggressive drivers can become impatient and angry when you least expect it. Motorcyclists are frequently the target of aggressive drivers and their highly dangerous behaviors, which can include:

Any of the above can result in a devastating crash, especially rear-end crashes. When a motorcycle hits the back of a car or a car hits the back of a motorcycle, the biker is often thrown from their bike, crashing to the ground and suffering severe traumatic injuries. Aggressive driving behaviors are also against the law, and citations or arrests may play a part in a subsequent injury claim.

Defective Motorcycles

Drivers are not always at fault for motorcycle accidents. Sometimes, a motorcyclist may lose control of their bike and crash because part of the bike suddenly malfunctioned. Such malfunctions can include failing brakes, tire blowouts or tread separation, steering problems, and more. Often, a malfunction is the result of a defective part sold by the manufacturer. Whether there was a defective design or assembly, the manufacturer should be responsible for any injuries caused by the malfunction.

Dangerous Roads

Another reason that a motorcyclist may crash and suffer severe injuries is a dangerous road hazard. When a motorcyclist suddenly hits a pothole, a large crack, or another obstacle, it can cause them to lose control and crash, often more frequently than other types of motorists. Many different parties may be at fault for road hazards, including construction crews or neglectful government agencies.

Discuss Your Injuries with a Nashville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

No matter how your motorcycle accident occurred, you should always speak with a motorcycle accident attorney in Nashville who can determine whether you have a claim and who may be liable for your injuries. Proving negligence on the part of a driver or company can be challenging, especially since insurance companies will work to fight liability. Bednarz Law knows how to protect your rights during the insurance process or a personal injury lawsuit. Call 615-256-0100 or contact us online for more information today.