Protecting Your Rights after a Serious Bicycle Accident in Nashville

With spring finally here, many people in the Nashville area are dusting off their bicycles and taking to the various roads and trails available in the area. Whether you cycle for recreation, exercise, or as a means of transportation, there is no doubt that riding is a cost-efficient, healthy, and enjoyable way to get from place to place. Unfortunately, it exposes you to the risk of injury in an accident with a motor vehicle when you ride near traffic.

Drivers in Nashville are expected to share the road with bicyclists. Bicyclists, in turn, are expected to follow all relevant traffic laws, just as drivers must. However, many drivers fail to do their part and drive with the necessary caution around bicyclists. The following are a few of the most common driver behaviors that cause bike crashes:

Distracted driving – Driver distraction is one of the leading causes of injuries to bicyclists. Bicycles are already more difficult to see on the roads than motor vehicles, and drivers can especially fail to notice a cyclist if they are distracted in any way.

Aggressive driving – Drivers can often become frustrated with cyclists, as bicycles are inherently slower vehicles. When impatience escalates, a driver may engage in aggressive behaviors, including tailgating, dangerous passing of bicycles, or running a cyclist off the road.

Drunk driving – Intoxicated drivers are a threat to anyone on the roads, including bicyclists. Drunk drivers are less likely to pay attention, stay in their lanes, and make good decisions, which can cause them to injure bicyclists.

Holding Dangerous Drivers Liable for Your Losses

Bicyclists are extremely vulnerable to injuries, as even helmets cannot protect you from head injuries 100 percent of the time. When a car hits a bicyclist, it can result in multiple traumatic injuries, many of which can be catastrophic. Some bicycle accident injuries may include:

These injuries can require ongoing medical care and result in long-term losses and impairments. It is critical that you seek legal assistance after a bicycle crash to make sure you receive full compensation for your medical expenses and other substantial losses.

Our lawyers can help you receive compensation by filing the appropriate insurance claims, handling the claim process, and pursuing a personal injury lawsuit if necessary to protect your rights.

Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Consultation with a Nashville Bicycle Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident in the Nashville area, it’s important that you retain legal representation as soon as you can. At Bednarz Law, we have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients and strive to obtain the maximum amount of recovery possible in every case we take. To schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced personal injury attorney in Nashville, call our office today at 615-265-0100 or contact us online.